NSK9, the new Winter Light series that explores the relationship between Nova Scotians and our beloved canine companions, premieres on Eastlink Community TV this Sunday, January 20th, at 12:30 pm.
Each episode focuses on a part of the relationship we have with our furry best friends, from their health, to their food, to their lives as working dogs, and to their lives as pets.
Host Andrew Younger looks at lifestyle subjects ranging from the best places to take your dogs for a walk or a swim (including some of the best hidden gems in the province) to the latest trends in clothing for dogs (yes, such things exist), as well as more serious subjects, such as how dogs are helping patients cope with PTSD and other mental health conditions, and how people cope with the loss of a pet.
Tens of thousands of Nova Scotians own dogs, and even more love them. NSK9 is your go-to destination for their stories.
NSK9 airs every Sunday on Eastlink Community TV, channels 10 and 610, at 12:30 pm, and is available On Demand to Eastlink subscribers.